Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sherry Walling Interview - On Productivity and Mental Health in the Business World

Hi everyone, our WordCamp Europe interview series continues! Back in June, we recorded a few interviews with WordPress enthusiasts, including  Sherry Walling. While its been a little while since WordCamp Europe,  Sherry has some great tips on how to stay away from distractions and be productive at work that make her interview worth the wait.This interview is part of our  #WCEU Series  of interviews, which can be found in the  Pirate Interviews category  on our blog, along with many other talks weve had with interesting people. Last month, it was Alex Denning who shared his insights on marketing and content.Now, lets get back to the Sherry Walling interview!  Ã°Å¸â„¢â€šSherry owns ZenFounder, a consulting company that provides business people with professional advice on how to live a balanced, healthy life and cope with difficult situations. Beyond that, she also hosts a free Zenfounder podcast  (it just reached 200 episodes) and is the author of a book for entrepreneu rs called The Entrepreneurs Guide to Keeping Your Sh*t Together.At WordCamp Europe 2018 in Belgrade, she organized a workshop which was so successful that the room was absolutely packed (it was fully booked shortly after the announcement went live).Since our team was not so fortunate as to get in (except Ionut!), we used the ace in our collective sleeves and scheduled an interview with Sherry, thanks to our privilege of being  Media Partners at the event. 🙂As with our other WordCamp Europe interviews, you can either watch the video interview in the embedded tweet to the right. Or, you can keep reading below for a text transcription. If you opt to watch the video, make sure you open the full Twitter thread to see all of the questions.Heres our fourth #WCEU interview with Dr. Sherry Walling @zenfounder.Question 1: Youre a PhD, psychologist, podcast and author. How did you get involved with WordPress? ThemeIsle (@ThemeIsle) June 18, 2018 You have a Ph.D.  in psychology, youre a podcaster and author. How did you get involved with WordPress?Sherry Walling:Yes, I have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and I host a podcast called ZenFounder. Well, for many many years Ive been in the technology world in a startup world where, of course, theres a lot of interaction with WordPress since you all run like most of the internet. So for the last several years, Ive been attending CaboPress and a couple of different WordCamps and talking about mental health in these communities.I think theres a lot of overlap between the kind of entrepreneurs that I spend most of my time with and the people that are in the WordPress space. So I dont code, I dont design, but I do know my way around my own websites and mostly Im here to help support the people who run WordPress.How would you describe the WordPress community?Sherry Walling:I have a number of friends and its a community that I care deeply about and am pretty connected to. The worldwide, the E U WordPress community is committed.You had a workshop on mental health and productive life at WCEU (June 2018), can you share some insights with us?Sherry Walling:So in the workshop, we talked about a lot of strategies for managing stress and anxiety and burnout, things that I think are very common among technology folks and especially common among freelancers and people who are running their own businesses.We did some deep breathing exercises and I taught people how to reverse the physiological anxiety response by slowing down their breathing and then we also did some stretching and some basic movement in the body to help the body calm down and offset some of the challenges of sitting all day. We talked about things like sleep, journaling, basic strategies that sound really simple but really important to maintaining a healthy mental perspective, healthy relationships, a healthy body and, of course, a healthy  work life.If your brain is not well or if youre under a lot of stress a nd not functioning or not handling that stress well, then youre not able to be a productive contributor, youre not able to be part of a community, youre not able to do your best work.How do you manage to stay productive during the day?Sherry Walling:I think what productivity looks like is different for everyone so I would never say that my model of doing it is the best model, its just the way that Ive come to for my own self, that works for me. But I tend to get up pretty early and start my day with exercise with a long run or weight-lifting or yoga and Im pretty consistent with that, six days a week usually. I find thats a really important way for me to wake up and take care of my body and then after that Im spending time with my family.I have three children, I have a business, I wrote a book Im busy. I have a lot of things that are important to me, that I try to put in my life, and one of the ways that I try to do that is really carving out time to do one thing at a time. Not bo uncing back, not trying to respond email and talk to my children and make a meal, all at the same time, but deciding that this is the one hour that I have for email or Facebook or Twitter right now this is my media communication time and the only hour that Im going to spend doing that.So that kind of scheduling, organization, and also the decision to do one thing at a time is really helpful for productivity, but its also helpful for mental health because we tend to overuse our brain when we bounce back and forth between lots of different things.So, if I could summarize my personal productivity strategy its one thing at a time and be completely focused on the one thing.How do you define being successful?Sherry Walling:I think success is a combination of a personal experience of joy as well as the ability to make a meaningful contribution in other peoples lives. So its both something thats internal and something that you are extending or sharing with the people around you. Sherry Wal ling (@zenfounder) #interviewed at ThemeIsle - on #productivity and mental health Click To Tweet That wraps up our Sherry Walling interview. If you have any questions for her, please leave them in the comments section. Also, if you have any suggestions for who we should talk to next, feel free to give us some names, too!Free guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

BPL vs. DLL in Delphi Programming Applications

BPL vs. DLL in Delphi Programming Applications When we write and compile a Delphi application, we typically generate an executable file - a standalone Windows application. Unlike Visual Basic, for example, Delphi produces applications wrapped in compact exe files, with no need for bulky runtime libraries (DLLs). Try this: start Delphi and compile that default project with one blank form, this will produce an executable file of about 385 KB (Delphi 2006). Now go to Project - Options - Packages and check the Build with runtime packages check box. Compile and run. Voila, the exe size is now around 18 KB. By default the Build with runtime packages is unchecked and every time we make a Delphi application, the compiler links all the code your application requires to run directly into your applications executable file. Your application is a standalone program and doesnt require any supporting files (like DLLs) - thats why Delphi exes are so big. One way of creating smaller Delphi programs is to take advantage of Borland package libraries or BPLs in short. Whats a Package? special dynamic-link library used by Delphi applications Packages enable us to place portions of our application into separate modules that can be shared across multiple applications. Packages, also, provide a means of installing (custom) components into Delphis VCL pallete. Therefore, basically two types of packages can be made by Delphi: Run-time packages - provide functionality when a user runs an application - they operate much like standard DLLs. Design-time packages - used to install components in the Delphi IDE and to create special property editors for custom components. Design packages From this point this article will deal with run-time packages and how they can help Delphi programmer. One wrong mit: you are not required to be a Delphi component developer to take advantage of packages. Beginner Delphi programmers should try working with packages - theyll get better understanding of how packages and Delphi work. When and when Not ot Use Packages DLLs are most commonly used as collections of procedures and functions that other programs can call. Besides writing DLLs with custom routines, we can place a complete Delphi form in a DLL (for example an AboutBox form). Another common technique is to store nothing but resources in DLLs. More information on how Delphi operates with DLLs find in this article: DLLs and Delphi. Before going on to comparison between DLLs and BPLs we have to understand two ways of linking code in an executable: static and dynamic linking. Static linking means that when a Delphi project is compiled, all the code that your application requires is directly linked into your applications executable file. The resulting exe file contains all the code from all the units that are involved in a project. Too much code, you might say. By default, uses clause for a new form unit list more than 5 units (Windows, Messages, SysUtils, ...). However, the Delphi linker is smart enough to link only the minimum of code in the units actually used by a project. With static linking our application is a standalone program and doesnt require any supporting packages or DLLs (forget BDE and ActiveX components for now). In Delphi, static linking is the default. Dynamic linking is like working with standard DLLs. That is, dynamic linking provides functionality to multiple applications without binding the code directly to each application - any required packages are loaded at runtime. The greatest thing about dynamic linking is that loading of packages by your application is automatic. You dont have to write code to load the packages neither you have to change your code. Simply check the Build with runtime packages check box found on the Project | Options dialog box. The next time you build your application, your projects code will be linked dynamically to runtime packages rather than having units linked statically into your executable file.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketin Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketin Paper - Essay Example The example given is rational and very sound since the connection is mostly sought on an emotional level more than anything else. The marketing touch should be through feelings and emotions rather than on the financial side. This is true because marketing employs a number of significant associations with the heart and the mind which make it a very decisive proposition. â€Å"Marketing has been described in many different ways, shapes, and forms. Many who are involved with marketing describe it similar to the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and will satisfy individual and organizational objectives.† I opine that this definition is more apt and cohesive from all sides. (Boone & Kurtz, 1998) This has looked at defining marketing as a complete 360 degree approach rather than sending messages between the company and the end consumers every now and then. The relation is thus more complete than is imagined by the earlier definitions provided for marketing. I believe that marketing employs a number of practices which are regarded as its sub-fields namely advertising, sales promotion activities, personal selling, public relations (or publicity) and direct mailing to name a few. With the passage of time, the definition of marketing has changed as it has included a pre-manufacture tilt to its basis with regards to a product and/or service. Selling gets differentiated from marketing in the fact that selling is only done when a product is made available on the shelf within a retail outlet while marketing starts even when there is an idea or concept of the related product and thus the whole game starts as a result of this hype within the relevant audiences. (Armstrong & Kotler,